Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Reality of Being Attractive

Lately I've been dealing with something that has personally plagued me for years. And that is... I have been told I look like actress/singer Mandy Moore. Not once, or twice, but hundreds of times. Random people will come up to me and say "Did you know you look like Mandy Moore?"... No of course not, I've only heard it dozens upon dozens of times. Do I think she's beautiful? Yes. Do I think she looks like me... still not convinced.

However it did start me down and interesting road of thought. And what I found was quite interesting. Being attractive has its rewards. Not only do people treat prettier people better, we pay them more money than their equals who are  not so attractive.  I guess "it pays to be beautiful," afterall.  Companies that are hiring want to have attractive people representing them because as a whole we the public TRUST and LIKE pretty people more.  

I studied some psychology in college...we were taught about the "Halo effect". Studies have shown that we associate attractiveness with a whole bunch of other characteristics that have nothing to do with being attractive. Say for instance ...trustworthiness, or kindness. These are personality traits that are completely separate from your looks. We also believe these good looking people have more money, have successful careers, have nice families, and are all around more happy than those who aren't as good looking. Which makes absolutely no sense. I know a ton of attractive people who aren't perfect in any sense of the word. Hot people can be just as miserable as ugly people. Don't let anyone try to tell you otherwise. And I know plenty of girls who are gorgeous and model thin who think they're fat and ugly. So it just goes to show you even with all the extra attention some people don't even know how good looking they really are.

So there is my rant about that.
With love, red wine & girl scout cookies